Middle School
For the 2024-2025 school year, Cottonwood will be participating in the New Mexico Independent School Athletic League (NMISAL) for COED soccer. There will be one team of middle school students and the season is TBD details will be shared soon.
- Head Coach: Brian Dyer, brian.dyer@cottonwoodclassical.org
High School
CCPS is starting varsity soccer in the 24-25 school year! We will compete in our regular AAA district and have scheduled matches with a variety of 2A, 3A and 4A opponents! Looking forward to a great start in the sport! For more information, reach out the coaches below.
Head Boys Coach: Bryan Dyer bryan.dyer@ www.cottonwoodclassical.org
Head Girls Coach: Hussein Soueidan hussein.soueidan@ www.cottonwoodclassical.org